Monday, May 5, 2008

Even the moon looks different!?!

The moon is different. Well, it looks different. It's, like, sorta sideways. There's no man in the moon unless you tilt your head sidways. (we tried it...) why? well, last friday night i woke up at 1:23 and was up until 5 a.m. due to intestinal unrest. So, i logged on and did a search for Southern Hemisphere star charts and why the moon looks different. Below is a link that shows the differences in what the moon looks like very well. You should click on the minus sign under the "speed" button on the bottom because it loads with the sun and the moon just whizzing by...

make sure you change the location to the equator and then to about 13 degrees south, because that's where Lima's at...

it's all about location location location!
Here's an even simpler picture, and it uses happy little moose to show you!

now that our astronomy lesson is over, please pray this week for both cindy and i in our mental and physical health. the seasons are changing (winter has started, meaning it's not warm anymore, it's acutally chilly all day) and colds are going around. and, as i noted in teh first paragraph, i've been dealing iwth intestinal unease since early Saturday morning, continuing to today. Cindy was feeling better after a virus last monday and tuesday, but then this afternoon suddenly (and i mean SUDDENLY) became violently ill at school, vomiting and running to the bathroom. This is the last week of the first quarter, so student evaluations and report card grades are due, and this is the first time either of us have ever done anything like this, so it's a tad bit stressful to begin with, not to mention when you feel so horrible. When we were finally able to walk the three blocks home from school (it took about and hour and a half after her initial attack before she was NOT in so much pain and could walk home), cindy went straight to bed. i went straight to the restroom myself. ah, the loveliness of new and exotic bugs.

We are realizing more and more each day that this really is a case of "I can't do this, but God in me can." Our prayer is that we can stay connected to God and allow his spirit to do that work and give us strength and discipline.

Speaking of discipline, i've got lesson plans to finish! see you later! love you all!


Mrs. M. said...

Just wanted to say a quick hello - letting you know that we think of you often, when ever I get a reminder of something that I associate with you. Now I will be thinking of you when I look at the moon.


Mellifluous said... I'm getting antsy for some new posts, ladies! :)