Friday, March 28, 2008


Today we were asked to come to devotions in the morning to meet all the staff and then stay for an hour or two to see how things work and to meet the students. That is fine and good, however it turned into staying all day. I am at the apartment (a three minute walk from school) to grab a bite to eat then go back for the last part of class.

That is not the "wow" part. Before I left I wanted to let Em know that I was leaving so if she wanted to come eat as well she could. So I walk upstairs and as I am approaching her classroom I think to myself.."Huh, that sounds like Emily's voice...not just her voice but her teaching voice..." I come within sight of the room and YUP Emily is at the front of the classroom smiling and writing spelling words up on the board as the kids take turns telling her what they are how they are spelled. She looked completely at ease and relaxed. THAT is the "wow" part.

All this time I have been telling everyone that I have the easy class and Emily has the hard class...I was SO wrong. My kids know NO English, this is the first year that they are learning English...sigh...a lot of 'sign language' is being used by myself and the other teachers. This is going to be a trip!

I will post another blog tomorrow. This evening there is a welcome potluck at the Ashby's (Ivan and Kristie) and then something else I can't remember....OH yeah the young adult group at church would like to welcome us at a place near the beach...or is that tomorrow night??? I can't recall, I think it is the heat!

It is currently 77.9 F but out in the sun it gets hot quick because of the humidity! :)

Much love to all I have to get back to the school now.



Mellifluous said...

:) Ah the teaching voice...when I use it on my kids they start to tune me out.

I am so glad that things are starting out well. We'll pray that your class goes even better than you expect, Cindy.

Give Ivan and Kristie a hug from me!

Kevin said...

i wish you knew how much this post gave me great happiness for you guys. Keep up the posting.

I love those WOW moments.

Bryan said...

Hi Cindy and Emily,
Sounds like quite and eventful start. It was good to read your blog. Bryan has it saved on his bookmarks so I will just check on his computer. Here is my email if you want to email : )
I look forward to reading more. Let me know if you need anything like diet dr. pepper.
love you,